Mercury trine Pluto
Mercury in Virgo is moving through a harmonious aspect with Pluto in Capricorn.
After turning direct, the planet of communication (Mercury) will be digging deep into practical matters (Pluto in Capricorn). With Mercury in Virgo, there is a meticulous nature to all of this digging. We are getting to the bottom of things and all of this data collection will be a major theme all the way into next year. Pluto is preparing to enter a new era after having been in Capricorn since 2008. We are beginning to understand more deeply how we can serve the collective. By the time Pluto moves into Aquarius (the sign of the innovative humanitarian), Mercury will be in Aries (the sign of new beginnings). We can expect to feel the effects of this transit for a long time to come, but it will be exact on October 7. Pluto is associated with the Number three so this trine is symbolic as a journey involving three important stages.
Originally written in Collective Journaling at The Stoa