Mars Direct
Mars turned retrograde on Halloween.
If that wasn’t an ominous message, it sure felt like one. You know what unseasonable weather feels like. Its a similar sensation when a planet is doing something weird over a period of time (like retrograding). You just sense it that things are changing because your body knows more than you think.
Mars entered into Gemini on August 20th of 2022. Before that, Mars was essentially coasting through a sign a month. But Mars will continue to be in Gemini until the end of March. That’s seven months total-time spent in one sign. In other words, from our geocentric perspective, the planet did its little loop-tee-loop, which all happened within the constraints of one Zodiac sign: Gemini.
This planet that carries along with it, the motto, “Let’s get shit done”, hasn’t felt like anything has gotten done at all. These next few months might even feel like a repeat of the last four months. Old themes are likely to come up, but this time you are the Wise Fool. You have experience under your belt. Its important to really focus on handling things the way you wish you would have after you had time to review what transpired. You’ll know where restraint is required, and you’ll also know where it is imperative that you take a stand and speak up for yourself. Don’t worry we have plenty of time because Mars still has to pick up speed from that point of appearing stationary.
I speak best from my own experiences. As a Gemini Rising, this has been happening in my 1st House. The 1st House is the body, the entity that I am, the player I’ve selected. Gemini is very cerebral energy, as it is an Air Sign. Its a mutable sign that is adaptive and built for change. The energy of Gemini and the energy of Mars together is usually buzzy and excitable. I’ve struggled with a desire to “blow off steam”. I can do this by over exerting myself in ridiculous exercises (like squatting a 5 gallon jug 200 times in a day), or I could expend all of my energy in tasks for others, or I could try to look up a million new things I want to do and try to relate them all, or I could take time to garden which becomes a long-term investment of my time and energy.
Often times when I am in the garden, I feel the urge to document it, so that I can look back on it. My family did an excellent job documenting their lives and its something I hope to continue. I hope to be investing my time into making timeless memories last into the future. That’s one of those sacred secrets I hold, that I need to sit on instead of share. It will all come with time, all that I’m building. Saturn is also making a big shift, as well, that’s certainly had an impact on how I look at the pace of life. When I was younger, I thought I had to have kids by 25. As a 31 year old, I look back and realize how panicked this made me. My biological clock always ticking.
I’ve also come to the conclusion that the way to capture time, is to record it in time-lapse. The work I do is repetitive and not that interesting to watch in real time, but if you blink during a time-lapse video, you realize just how much gets done. I kept referring to this phase of my life as the part of the movie that is a montage of different scenes with a single song playing over it all. Its almost like a time jump in the plot, but they fill you in just a bit so that you don’t have to make the characters explain everything that happened to reset the scene. It’s not a deadline, and I think this is what makes time-lapse such a perfect depiction.
I have natal Mars in the 2nd House of Cancer. I can especially speak to the need for security and in the home and what I invest my time and money into. I’m hoping that by the time Mars finally does reach my natal Mars, I will have a great awakening from a Gemini infused Mars. All I can say for me is that being aware of what Mars has been going through has helped me to stay flexible in my decision making. I’m not using it as an excuse, but I can look back and see all the ideas that I’ve considered during this time period, and I see how each one was necessary. We just don’t give time enough credit in real time. The hindsight perspective has somewhat of a time-lapse effect.
Originally written in Collective Journaling at The Stoa