Jupiter Ingress Pisces
Death Doula
Part of Astrology is understanding how to speak in sentences with new words.
I’m not sure if the title is right here. It could be that Jupiter is making an ingress into Pisces or that Jupiter will ingress Pisces. This kind of haziness obscures my every thought of the future. I sense the magical pull of uncertainty, destiny, and wonder. This transit is taking place in my Tenth House of Career. My career path could not be any more unclear right now. Will I really be able to remain an Astrologer? Should I be investing more time into herbs? Into gardening? These topics have come up in my past and I developed skills around them. But I’m still in an Eighth House profection year, and my family is currently very sick. Eighth House profection years are about debt, taxes, other peoples money, and your general value to other people. I am feeling sensitive to the idea that this is probably over simplified but my experience is all I can speak on.
I realized yesterday, I have the tools to heal in simple ways. Baking, for instance, to make people feel more comfortable. Neptune being opposite my Fourth House can be sensed by the fact that obligations I feel to my home, family and roots that are preventing me from exploring. I am also sensing a tug for adventure like SCUBA diving, but I also feel into how afraid that makes me. If I were to embody Jupiter for this transit, I imagine taking the time and allowing myself to learn, once again, a wise and patient philosophy.
Where Jupiter Has Been
Jupiter briefly visited the firey sign of Aries in May of 2022 and turned retrograde at the end of July. He has finally traveled back so far, he is re-entering his home sign Pisces: Spirituality and Religious Wisdom. I’ve entered a different dimension by slowing down. Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac and is therefore considered to be associated with experience and wisdom.
I considered yesterday that I might be the one that is supposed to arrange for my grandparents to transcend this dimension. What if there is something we (as young people) are supposed to do to call in The Reaper? When my ex’s grandmother was cremated, I was there. I was very honored to be there. Today I still wear a sweater she knit as I write this post. We chanted a Hindu verse and escorted her casket into the inferno.
“Ram Naam Satya Hai”
Amazing that this is the story. Its exactly what I was thinking. My grandparents are really struggling with this part. I’m just interested in observing. At the same time I know that day will come for me too. I need to be able to navigate myself. This dimension of experience is intense. At some point, the Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be trining Jupiter in Pisces. In other words, there will be a lot of growth around areas in our life regarding life path, desires, and communicating.
It is purgatory. We are in the in-between. Some people are conscious of that, more are becoming conscious of that. It feels a little nauseating to think about it all at once. When reflecting on this energy its important to remember this will all happen over the course of many months. Right now, it would be very easy to feel overwhelmed. But if we drop back and just look down at our feet, the path becomes a lot smoother. All we can control for is the current moment. If commitments in the future cause me unease, then they will not be part of the future to which I am destined. I continue moving along my path to honor my past. I belong to no one else and my decisions are mine to make. I’m only here for so long.
Jupiter begins direct motion again at the end of November and re-enters Aries at the end of December. In February 2023, at 8· of Aries, Jupiter will pull ahead from the shadow of its retrograde journey, just after the Leo Full Moon. I think that will be the point by which everything will begin to become clear. Until November, I will be going with the flow. My plan is to not assert my plans, and to allow life to take the helm.
This podcast of persona to Person got me to thinking about this relationship of the ascendant and the Sun. Its as though my Gemini qualities are my justification for how I am to be an Aries Sun. The devious way I can shed and take on new skin. The interest I genuinely have in other people. All of my Mercurial qualities are what would make me worthy of the ideal to which I strive (my Aries Sun). I take on a character. I use a toolkit. If this is the role to which I am imagined in, and it can be predictable to the extent that I understand the archetypes themselves then I have a script. I have a playbook.
Final thoughts: Jupiter is Roman for Zeus in Greek Mythology. He is the king of the gods. The Olympian child that rescued them all. God of sky and thunder. Expansion. Especially in thought because it is a gas giant. Jupiter can also represent inflation, overindulgence. Pisces is mystical, intuitive, and spiritual. The embodiment of the deep sea of emotions. The ocean is magnetic but it is also terrifying. The fire is always there.
Originally written in Collective Journaling at The Stoa