Gemini New Moon
On Saturday, the New Moon will take place in the sign of Gemini at 26°.
I’m reflecting on the Gene Key associated with this point (which is Gene Key 12). The Gene Keys are based on the Hexagrams of the I-Ching. I like the flow through the systems in my thinking, so allow me to write through that process here.
The Transit
The first thing I want to keep in mind is that the transit we are talking about is a New Moon. The aspect (how the planets are in relationship with one another) is what brings us to the table to talk Astrology. You can think of a transit as a storm front moving in and it is essentially the umbrella topic of discussion.
New Moons are new beginnings; times in which we plant seeds of intentions, set off on a new path, or start something we never tried before. New Moons occur every 29–30 days, which makes the lunar cycle ideal for rebuilding your life around (as we naturally were attuned to this cycle before all the things in modernity managed to rewire our programming).
The Zodiacal Signs
Then I tend to focus my attention (given the framing of the New Moon themes) on these new beginnings in the context of the sign within which the New Moon is taking place. For the upcoming New Moon, the event will occur when the luminaries line up from our geocentric perspective in the sign of Gemini. Thats just a fancy way of saying that the moon and sun will be in the same part of the sky, if we aren’t trying to get too technical about it.
New beginnings when it comes to ideas, information, and communication. Starting something new in our daily schedules, especially regarding short-distance travel or cerebral any activities. It could be something as simple as a new errand that gets added to your weekly list. Gemini may also have something to do with relationships such as those we have with our neighbors, cousins, and siblings, as Gemini is the ruler of such connections. I’ve now brought together the themes of a new moon with those of the sign of Gemini to construct a formula.
Of course, we could do this for any sign. In fact, there will be a new moon in every sign every year. Almost every month, there is a new moon in a different sign (with the exception of the black moon as it is called with there are two new moons in a month). With that being said, this means there will be a new moon in each house of your natal chart every year. Activations are happening all throughout the year, while things are being cut away with every full moon. This is how the cycle works. It is not upwards and onwards always, as we have been conditioned to believe. Progress is not the only mode, and living by the lunar cycle can really help us adjust to the natural rhythms of our bodies.
The Tools
After I have a general theme in my head for the transit, I then go searching for more clues in places like the I-Ching, Gene Keys, & Sabian Symbols, just to name a few. These tools engage my mind in a way that opens me up for a greater insight. It is in my inability to completely understand that I orient myself in a way that allows me to receive deeper wisdom than I could from any book because it is embodied.
Sabian Symbol
I started with the Sabian Symbol for this degree point because Sabian Symbols are the tools with which I am least familiar. The Sabian Symbol for Gemini 26° reads:
A cave with carved walls. It is an ancient temple.
A constant reminder of what exists in other time frames, but is missing from the now. You are secretly living in futures and pasts to an extraordinary extent. What is in there speaks eloquently. The world voices of the now fall on deaf ears. Distracted, elsewhere, elusive, remote. Inhabiting the inner mind and lost to the outer mind. You’re in a poised verge where what ultimately and essentially makes sense is the reverse mirror image of what everybody says and thinks. The minority of one, keeping the balance intact.
This entry brings up the transmission of information over and across space and time. In the buzzy nature of Gemini, we can often be too distracted or too shallow to dig deeply into the Truth. There’s also something here about courage and having the will power to stand up against that which we know to be false, even if the majority disagrees.
The Hexagram
I like to check out the Hexagram teachings next because they are ancient and a little removed from modern patterns of thought. Reviewing them feels to me like I am visiting with an elder.
Hexagram 12 is called Divorcement (in English translation).
Other titles: Standstill, The Symbol of Closing, Stagnation, Obstruction, The Wife, Obstructed, Decadence, Disjunction, Impasse, “Yin supporting yang which is wrong, they part company. Bad prospects for marriage or partnership. “ — D.F. Hook source:
Damn. Wife? Okay. I get it, its quite archaic thinking. “An impasse,” it says. Thats a funny way of referring to your wife. Okay, I’m done taking the piss out of the worst light of the traditional patriarchal thinking. What’s really being said here? I could sit and be offended all day about how some man from the past lived his life in the culture and context of his time. I want to know what he meant.
Interesting to think of this on the new moon, a time of new beginnings. It just so happens that the time of new beginnings falls within the confines of the Hexagram called Divorcement. I am getting a sense of the “honeymoon effect” wearing out. That point in a relationship where maybe one realizes that it was their hormones that had all the control when it came to deciding on life partner. This Hexagram is about Heaven and Earth, the two worlds myth. Why can I not be spiritual and grounded? These kinds of questions coming up, and naturally this existential interrogation is amplified by Neptunes position in this grand performance.
The Houses
Houses are very important for understanding which area of life will be affected by the transit. I have listed below the Houses that will be impacted in your chart based on your rising sign. I have included Neptune’s location because the planet is positioned in a square aspect to the Gemini New Moon. Squares can be a challenging aspect because the two planets are working at odds with one another, even if it is towards a similar goal.
This will likely manifest as some sort of confusion, which doesn’t really flow very well because of how highly Gemini values logic. We may notice changes in our perception or in the way we communicate. Inspired creativity or emotional sensitivity will feel dreamy, so its important that we are able to grasp what is obscured through discernment and grounding. Look for your rising sign in the chart below and check the chart to see the keywords for the houses that will be impacted in your chart for this transit!
Originally written in Collective Journaling at The Stoa