A Letter to Myself for Solstice
I am lucky to be in deep relationship with Rebecca Fox.
We are meeting once a month as a coven to discuss how to create a ritual around the solar and cross quarter days (solstices, equinoxes, etc). One thing I love about the women that I surround myself with is that there is great diversity in the way we think and the tools we bring to the table. Rebecca builds rituals, and I’ve experienced incredible transformation under her watch.
For the Solstices, one of the prompts she has is to reflect on all that has happened since the last Solstice in December. After doing so, I am to write a letter to myself for what to expect in the months to come when I read the letter in December (heygirlhey).
I definitely did not consider January the beginning of the year. I treated it as a time to still be in retreat. I didn’t even purchase a planner yet. It seems like so long ago. I was hoping to get a job making videos as a content creator for a biology channel. That ultimately did not happen and I was pretty devastated because I worked really hard on the interviews they assigned me. Multiple parts and hours of work were put into a project that was hardly even acknowledged. I got a very standard “We found someone better suited for the role”. I got this denial message from them many times. It was aggravating and deflating.
Towards the end of January and into February I began my series called “Beyond the Matrix” on Youtube. It was not very sustainable, but an interesting experiment. I would wake up in the morning and record a video on the Planet of the Day based on the transits that would happen for the week. It was a good run of 38 episodes, but like I said, completely unsustainable to expect I would wake up everyday and be able to record and edit a video. Very cute intro though.
By the end of February and into March, things really got interesting. I had a trip planned to Texas to meet with my sisters from the Stoa. I went for a house sit at one of the most incredible homes for my first return to the state since all the drama I experienced leaving in 2020. It was pretty cathartic to call back my spirit. I absolutely adore Houston and the dogs I watched there. I listened to a podcast of Eric Weinstein talking with Joe Rogan about extraterrestrial research perhaps going on in Austin, which is exactly where I was headed. Alot of peculiar synchronicities and one of the most magical activations I could ever imagine.
I began to get much more involved with my faith practices around Easter. I started having four rituals a day: listening to the catechism, praying the rosary (sometimes twice), a reading from the Gospel of the Day, and then some sort of prayer, meditation, or song. It was a lot. I was strict with myself. I also got a job working at a health food store as a vitamin clerk again. By this point, I had already stopped doing duo readings with my astrology partner, but I got a lot of requests from people for readings at this time.
I began settling into my job, as I worked my first clopening shift, followed by 8 days straight and a clopening grand finale. It did actually feel like hazing. I’m starting to notice my body changing. Going to The Change, not yet through the change but approaching it. I am looking at the threshold. Its like. Woah. I hadn’t really discovered it as such until this month that I am writing (June), but yes, I’m going to age gracefully with herbs. If I recall, in the month of April and earlier I was reading “Women Who Run With the Wolves”. This entire six months has been a journey into the great wisdom of the divine feminine. There is knowledge in the body.
With the Eclipses, and the shifting of the nodes, May was intense. By the end of the month, my ex was randomly reaching out to me. I ultimately blocked his number, but a strange manifestation indeed. It needed to be addressed. My hurt. My sadness. So I did look it right in the face. I noticed a lot of behaviors and patterns of thought stemming from the very act of not facing the pain.
The entire Summer I was also dog sitting, so that’s been an interesting practice of reducing the amount of shit I need for a trip, considering I go to Jordan in November. Wow. When I read this again I will have done that trip. How exciting!
I’m finally making friends at work, I adore my coworkers. I also have the Community Garden. I have just launched a Youtube series for the Taxidermy Tech Network. I’m working on building an Astrology community with my sisters, and still Practicing Awakening from the Meaning Crisis. There are other projects I am hoping will spin up that all contribute to a larger picture that I have, which involves helping people design their own herbal medicine garden using permaculture design and perhaps Astrology, at least insofar as it applies to the lunar phases perhaps. I’m loving life. Its no doubt a beautiful phase. The beginning was a slow start, but its absolute bliss I am experiencing now.